Atomic RAR Password Recovery is a password cracker for RAR files. It uses a wizard to let you configure the cracking process. There are two ways in which this tool can crack a password: brute force attack and dictionary attack. Both of them have varying degrees of success depending on a few factors.
The brute force attack is perhaps the most successful attack for passwords that are not only words. This attack uses combinations of letters, numbers and symbols one at a time to try to guess the password for a RAR file. You can specify the characters to use and a minimal and maximal password length.
The dictionary attacks requires that you create or download from somewhere TXT files with lists of words in them. The more words, the more successful the attack will be. The application does not come with any dictionaries.
In my testing, I rar'd a file and gave it "dada1" as a password. I was hoping Atomic RAR Password Recovery would crack it in a heart beat. However, the trial of this app only allows you to try to crack passwords of no more than 3 characters. It is a weird limitation, considering that Atomic ZIP Password Recovery didn't have anything like that. So, unfortunately, I can't tell whether the app does any good work or not, since well, I could crack a 3 character password manually with some time in my hands.